Device Autochanger Has 0 Slots
Posted By admin On 10.06.20This chapter provides information about how to install, configure, and operate Backup autochangersupport. See 'Device Configuration 'for additional information pertinent to all backup devices.
Specifying Slots When Labeling¶. If you add an Autochanger = yes record to the Storage resource in your Director’s configuration file, the Bareos Console will automatically prompt you for the slot number when the Volume is in the changer when you add or label tapes for that Storage device. You bacula device autochanger has 0 slots bet is also returned if both you and the dealer have Blackjack. The ball then drops bacula device autochanger has 0 slots into one of the slots as it begins to slow down.If the top non-pair card is the same (like KKQT3 vs. I have 2 Logical setup. One is 2 drives, slot 0 and slot 1. And the other is a total of 4 drives (2 spans) Slot 2, Slot 3, Slot 4, Slot 5. Save the dynamic missing entry, drive management on the server as well as the INTEL RAID utility are showing all drives/setups as healthy/optimal.
The following topics are addressed in this chapter:
The Backup software displays the term 'jukebox' to refer to an autochanger. The term 'autochanger'refers to a variety of robotic libraries, including carousel, library, near-line storage, datawheel, andautoloader.
Autochangers automate the task of loading, mounting, and labeling backup media. Before Backupcan back up data to an autochanger, you must:
Connect and configure the autochanger to the Backup server or storage node machine
Install and enable the Backup server or storage node software and devicedrivers
Use the jb_configprogram to configureyour autochanger
Enable the Backup Autochanger Module
Load and label your volumes
You determine most of the autochanger configuration when you install the Backup device driversand run the jb_config program. After you complete the configuration tasks, you canchange the attributes of the autochanger in the Jukeboxes resource.
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- Mar 18, 2013 some the mtx-changer tests are running fine (we tested moving tapes between slots, but it has problem with loading, the prompt never returns) quote Also if this is an autochanger with a barcode reader you should never.
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You cannot add or create autochanger resources using the Backup administration program. You canonly modify autochangers previously installed and configured using the jb_config program.
If you want to install and use additional autochangers for backups with your Backup server orstorage node machine later, you must purchase and enter additional enabler codes to allow Backup touse the additional autochangers.
You use the Backup administration program (nwadmin or nsradmin)or jb_config to modify the configuration of an autochanger or an autochanger device,and remove an autochanger from the list available for use by Backup.
The nsrd daemon must be running on the system for which you want to configurean attached autochanger (either the Backup server or a storage node) before you start the jb_config program. The installation script provides the option to start the Backup daemonsafter the installation is completed. You can also start the Backup daemons, as root, from the shellprompt.
To use an autochanger for Backup storage management, you must first use the jb_config program to configure the autochanger and test the device driver software you installed. Followthe instructions in this section to configure and test the device driver software on a Backup serveror storage node with a SCSI autochanger attached.
How to Configure an Autochanger
Become root on the Backup server.
Enter the jb_config command.
Backup displays the installation script.
Example: Configuring a SCSI Autochanger
The following example shows the required responses to configure a SCSI autochanger. The driver softwaredetects and displays the information for all SCSI autochangers attached to the system.
Example: Configuring an SJI Autochanger
European roulette atau classic roulette youtube. The following example shows the required responses to configure an SJI autochanger.
When you use the jb_config program to configure an autochanger, Backup createsa new resource with the name you specified. You can view the new resource in the Jukeboxes resource inthe Backup administration program. Refer to the online help or the nsr_jukebox(5)man page for details on the attributes of the Jukeboxes resource.
Enabling and Registering the Autochanger Software Module
After you install, configure, and test the autochanger, enter the enabler code for the BackupAutochanger Software Module according to the instructions on your enabler certificate. Be sure to registerand authorize the Autochanger Software Module, or the software disables itself 45 days after you enterthe enabler. See 'Enabler Code Entry 'for further information.
If you install additional autochangers later, you must enable and register each additional AutochangerSoftware Module you purchase as well as configure and test the driver software for the new autochanger.You only need to reinstall the Backup device drivers to add an additional autochanger if you removedthe device driver software after the original installation.
Remote Autochanger Management
Autochangers that are connected to storage node machines require a few additional configurationand management steps.
You can control most operations on remote autochanger devices from the Backup administrationprogram. But for some remote autochanger operations, for example, reset, you must use the nsrjb or jb_config commands on the storage node machine. You can issue the commandsas root, either from the local machine or through a remote login session.
After you install the storage node binaries on the storage node machine, define the storage node'sdevices. The method for defining devices is described in 'Remote Device Configuration '. An overview is provided here.
When you add a remote autochanger device, first add the storage node's hostname to the Administratorattribute in the NSR resource (Server window in the Backup administration program) in the followingform:

Then, run the jb_config program on the storage node machine (as shown in 'Autochanger Installation') to define eachdevice in the autochanger. See Appendix B, Command Line Reference Utilities or refer to the jb_config(1m) man page for the syntax and options forthis program.
The device names for remote devices begin with a prefix of rd= and the nameof the storage node machine. For example, rd=omega:/dev/rmt/1mbn is a device called /dev/rmt/1mbn on a storage node machine called omega.
After you install and test your autochanger on a server or storage node machine, use the instructionsin this section to manage the devices and media in your autochangers.
Adding More Autochanger Devices
To add more devices to an autochanger, first define the new devices in the Devices resource so the Backupserver or storage node recognizes the added devices. Then, enter the pathnames for the autochanger devicesin the Jukeboxes resource so that Backup recognizes that the new devices belong to the autochanger.
Caution -After you add a device pathname to the Devices resource, you must also add it to the Devices fieldin the Jukeboxes resource. Backup associates the device in the autochanger with the autochanger name.Refer to the Backup online help for a description of the Devices resource and how to use it.
If an autochanger has more than one device, you must list the device pathnames in the same orderas their physical location in the autochanger. If you are unsure of their order, refer to the autochangerhardware manual or become root on the Backup server or storage node machine and enter the inquire command at the shell prompt. The /etc/LGTOuscsi/inquire command returnsa list of the SCSI devices attached to your system.
Auto Media Management With Autochanger Devices
The auto media management feature further automates the backup procedure. It frees you from thetask of prelabeling volumes before backup. When you enable the auto media management attribute in theJukeboxes resource, Backup assumes that the volumes loaded in the autochanger can be handled exclusivelyas Backup media. Backup volumes that appear unlabeled are considered blank and are automatically labeled,mounted, and overwritten with new data. Backup only uses volumes that it considers unlabeled if itcannot locate a writable volume or a volume ready for recycling.
Backup does not recognize the following volume labels and considers these volumes unlabeled andavailable for use:
Volumes without a label.
Volumes labeled with something other than a Backup label.
Volumes with Backup labels that were written in a density different fromthe device in which it is currently loaded. For example, if you performed Backup backups on an older8mm tape drive, a newer 8mm tape drive might not be able to read the volumes from the older device becausea different density was used to write the data.
Be careful about sharing Backup volumes between different backup devices if you have auto mediamanagement enabled. You could potentially relabel and overwrite valuable data. If you place or store othervolumes you do not want Backup to use in the autochanger, place them in slots that are not includedin the available slot range assigned for Backup to use.
The auto media management attribute is located in both the Jukeboxes and Devices resources. Forautochangers, you only need to enable the Auto Media Management attribute in the Jukeboxes resource. Backupdoes not allow you to enable Auto Media Management in the Devices resource if the device is located inan autochanger.
If you back up to a standalone device and want to use the Auto Media Management feature, see 'Standalone Device Configuration '.
Cleaning Cartridge Use and Management
Maintaining a backup device in good working order requires periodic cleaning. Backup providesautomatic cleaning of devices located in an autochanger. Backup does not support automatic cleaningfor stand alone devices.
The SunSoft Backup Device Supplement contains a list of currently supported autochangers forwhich Backup automatically recognizes cleaning cartridges.
Use both the Jukeboxes and Devices resources to make the necessary selections for automaticallycleaning your autochanger devices.
The choices specific to the autochanger appear in the Jukeboxes resource, where you enable and disablethe automatic cleaning feature. Select the appropriate cleaning slots for the cartridges.
The functions specific to the devices located in the autochanger appear in the Devices resource.You are notified when a device needs cleaning, and of the date the device was last cleaned, and can decidehow often a device should be cleaned.
Backup only cleans devices before mounting or after unmounting a volume in a device to ensurethat there is no interference with other autochanger operations.
The Backup cleaning cartridge support provides notification messages to inform you of cleaningcartridge operations, as shown in Table 7-1.
Table 7-1 Auto Clean NotificationsNotification Message | Meaning |
Devicecleaning required | The Auto Cleanattribute is disabled and the device needs to be cleaned. |
Device cleaned | The Auto Clean attribute is enabled and the device has been cleaned. |
Cleaning cartridge required | The Auto Clean attribute is enabled and thereare no usable cleaning cartridges available. |
Cleaning cartridge expired | The cleaning cartridge has been used the specified number of times and needs to be replaced. |
Check the documentation from your autochanger manufacturer for recommendations on the frequencyand cleaning methods for your autochanger devices.
How to Use a Non-Default Slot for the Cleaning Cartridge
Insert the cleaning cartridge in the slot you select.
In the Jukeboxes resource, find the Default Cleaning attribute and write down the number of usesleft on the cleaning cartridge.
To view the Default Cleaning attribute in the Backup administration program, display the Jukeboxeswindow in details mode.
Specify the slot number you want to use for the cleaning cartridge in the Cleaning Slots attribute,and set the Auto Clean attribute to Yes.
Change the Available Slots attribute to reflect the range of slots available for data volumes.
If the slot for your cleaning cartridge is not the first or last slot in the autochanger, you mustspecify two ranges of slots in the Available Slots attribute. This is because the inventory of the autochangermust be performed in two steps, once for each range of slots.
For example, if the autochanger contains 11 slots and slot 6 is used for the cleaning slot, specify:
On separate lines in the Available Slots attribute, or use the following syntax with nsradmin:
At the command line, enter the following command:
In this command:
uses is the number of uses left on the 'Default Cleaning'field (the number you wrote down in Step 2).
slot specifies the slot you now use as the cleaning slot.
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You can omit the -j ption if there is only one autochanger.
Every time you replace the cleaning cartridge in the autochanger, you must run the nsrjb program to specify the number of uses left.
Caution -If your autochanger does not support the element status or barcode labeling option, you must issuethe command shown in Step 5 to tell the autochanger to add the cleaning cartridge to its inventory.
Cartridge Access Port
A Cartridge Access Port (CAP) enables you to deposit and withdraw volumes in an autochanger withoutopening the door to the autochanger. Each time you open the door of an autochanger to add or remove media,you invalidate the status of the autochanger. You then need to reinventory the contents of the autochangerso that Backup can track the backup media. The inventory process can take a long time to complete.
This CAP feature is useful because you can add (deposit) and remove (withdraw) volumes in an autochangerwithout having to reinventory the autochanger.
When you use the CAP to add or remove volumes, Backup does not automatically take inventory,read barcode labels, or locate empty slots in the autochanger. Use the autochanger inventory feature andJukeboxes resource for these tasks.
How to Deposit a Volume
To use the CAP to deposit a volume, follow these steps:
Become root on the Backup server or storage node machine.
Press the button on the front of the autochanger to move the cartridge holder forward and open theCAP.
Place the volume in the holder.
Press the button again to move the media into the autochanger and close the CAP.
Enter the nsrjb command at the system prompt.
Replace slot with the slot number for the volume and volume with the label name of the volume:
If you do not specify a volume name with the nsrjb command, Backup marks theslot with a -* to indicate that the volume in that slot is unknown. Inventory theslot with the following command:
To verify that the volume was deposited in the correct slot, use Backup to mount the volume.
How to Withdraw a Volume
To use the CAP to withdraw a volume from a specific slot in the autochanger, follow these steps:
Become root on the Backup server or storage node machine.
Enter the nsrjb command at the system prompt. Replace slotwith the slot number for the volume and volume with the label name of the volume:
When the volume reaches the CAP, press the button to open the CAP.
Remove the volume and close the CAP.
The topics in this section provide instructions for several common volume management tasks. Youcan use the Backup administration program (nwadmin), the nsradmininterface, or the nsrjb program to perform volume management tasks.
For specific instructions on how to use the windows in the Backup administration program, referto the online help. For details on the nsradmin and nsrjb commands,refer to the nsradmin(1m) and nsrjb(1m) man pages. The nsrjb command is also described in Appendix B, Command Line Reference Utilities.
How to Mount a Volume in an Autochanger
To mount a volume in an autochanger, select the autochanger device in the Devices attribute andthen mount the device, or enter the following command at the shell prompt:
Place an adhesive label on the outside of the autochanger to identify its device pathnames. Whenyou use more than one autochanger, this practice is especially useful to remind you which device pathnamesbelong to the autochanger.
How to Label a Volume in an Autochanger
Select a backup device in an autochanger from the Devices attribute, select a label template inthe Pools resource, and make sure there are volumes in the autochanger. Then start the volume label operation.
To label volumes in an autochanger from the command line, enter the following command at the shellprompt:
Because it takes Backup some time to label the volumes in the autochanger, you might want toperform the volume label process when you do not need to back up or recover files.
Backup starts to label the media in the autochanger with the label displayed in the StartingWith attribute. The First Slot and Last Slot attributes determine the range of slots containing volumesthat Backup labels.
If you label a specific range of volumes, the name in the Starting With attribute must match thelabel template. If you label a single volume, you can use any name; it does not have to match the labeltemplate. To label a single volume, put the same value in the First Slot and Last Slot attributes.
When a valid Backup label already exists on the media that you are trying to label, Backupdisplays a confirmation message to keep you from accidentally relabeling the media. When a volume is relabeled,you cannot recover its contents under the previous label. When you select OK to confirm, the volumes inthe slots are loaded, labeled, and unloaded.
Caution -Unmount all volumes in the autochanger to prevent you from accidentally relabeling existing volumeswhen you reload the autochanger with new volumes.
For more information on labeling volumes see 'Storage Management Operations (Labeling and Mounting) '.
How Backup Uses Barcode Labels with Autochangers
The use of external barcode labels to label media provides two distinct advantages: it significantlyspeeds up volume inventory and provides improved accuracy for internal volume labels.
With barcode labels, the inventory operation is fast and efficient because you do not have to loadthe volumes into the device. Instead, the autochanger scans the external barcode labels with an infraredlight while the volumes remain in their slots. Performing an inventory with barcode labels greatly reducesthe time it takes to locate a volume or determine the contents of a volume.
Barcode labels also provide greater accuracy because the labels are attached to the media priorto being loaded and scanned in the autochanger. After the autochanger scans the barcode label, Backuprecords and tracks the label in the media database.
Backup only uses barcode labels to inventory volumes. Backup uses the internal volume label(usually created with a label template) to identify the volumes required for backup and recovery. However, Backupdisplays both the barcode label and the volume label in the pending messages, and the Volumes resourcecontains both the volume label and its associated barcode label.
You do not have to label existing volumes with barcode labels if they are stored in a vault or offsitefor long periods at a time. This is because you do not inventory these volumes often, if ever. However,if you have volumes you use often for recovery or for overwriting with new data, it is beneficial to labelthem with barcode labels. When your volumes are labeled with barcodes, you save hours of time when youinventory your volumes.
If you decide to use barcode labels on your existing volumes, you must first apply the barcode labelsto the existing volumes. Then, load and mount each volume individually so Backup can match the barcodelabel to the existing volume label.
You can purchase a variety of barcode labels from a third-party vendor. You can choose numeric,alphanumeric, or a special combination of numbers and characters to meet your labeling needs. You caneven order barcode labels that match your current volume labeling scheme.
Auto Changer Device Has 0 Slots
If you label your volumes with the server name and an extension such as 001,order a range of labels starting with server_name.001 andending with server_name.100. Labeling instructions for barcodelabels are usually provided with your autochanger hardware documentation. If you have questions aboutbarcode labels, contact the hardware manufacturer.
Using a consistent labeling scheme helps you better organize and track your volumes. It also aidsthe inventory process if all the volumes, rather than a limited number of them, use barcode labels.
When Backup relabels volumes automatically, it reuses the original volume label name. You canonly change the label name if you relabel the volumes manually. Backup scans the barcode label duringthe labeling process and updates the media database with the new volume name and its associated barcodelabel.
If the autochanger inventory becomes outdated, either by rebooting your system or by opening theautochanger door, you can update the information about the autochanger's contents by performing an inventory.The administration program provides a graphical Inventory command; you can also issue the nsrjb-E -I command, as root, at the shell prompt. A reset operation also updates the informationabout the contents of the autochanger. Regardless of which method you use to update the contents, everyslot in the autochanger is initialized.
How to Label an Autochanger Volume With Barcodes
A volume must have a volume label, but it does not require a barcode label. Use the Jukeboxes resourceto associate barcode labels with your volumes.
To label Backup volumes with barcode labels, follow these steps:
Apply the barcode labels to your volumes.
Place the volumes with the barcode labels in the autochanger.
Display the Jukeboxes resource.
Set the Barcode Reader and Match Barcode Labels fields to Yes.
Label the volumes using either the Backup administration program or nsrjb -L.
Caution -Do not use identical barcode labels for any of your Backup volumes. Using identical labels defeatsthe purpose of using barcode labels. If you try to label a second volume with an identical barcode labeland you enabled Match Barcode Labels in the Jukeboxes resource, Backup displays an error message anddoes not allow you to label the second volume. To correct the problem, apply a different label and beginthe labeling process again.
If you choose not to match the volume label to the barcode label, you should create and attach volumelabels to the outside of your media.
If you choose not to have the labels match, it is suggested that you label the volumes in this manner:
Attach all the barcode labels to the media, then load the volumes in the autochanger.
In the Jukeboxes resource, set the Barcode Reader attribute to Yes, and set the Match Barcode Labelsattribute to No.
If you set both Barcode Reader and Match Barcode Labels to Yes and you forget to attach a barcodelabel, you receive an error message that says there is no barcode label for that volume.
Begin the labeling process.
Backup uses the next available label from the label template for the volume name. Backup labelsthe volumes and records both labels in the media database.
After Backup completes the labeling process, display the Volumes resource to determine the volumelabel and barcode label for each volume.
Create your own volume labels to attach to the volumes.
Use the information in the Volumes resource to match the correct volume labels to the barcode labels.This is the easiest way to make sure that you attach the correct volume labels to the volumes with barcodelabels.
How the Inventory Process Works
When Backup labels the contents of an autochanger, it registers the location of the volumes inthe autochanger slots when it assigns the volume label. As long as you do not change the volumes in theautochanger after labeling them, Backup can access the volumes because each volume label is assignedto a specific slot.
However, if you change the contents of the autochanger without performing the labeling process,or if you move volumes into new slots, you must inform Backup that the autochanger now holds a differentset of labeled volumes or that the volumes are in a different order. This is called taking inventory.
When you inventory the volumes in the autochanger, Backup reads the label of each volume andrecords its slot number. For example, if you have more than one job pack for an autochanger, you musttake inventory each time you remove one job pack and load another one into the autochanger, if you donot label the volumes in the new job pack.
Backup provides the capability of reading barcode labels to speed up the inventory process. Westrongly recommend that you use barcode labels if you have a large number of volumes or change your autochangercontents often. See 'How Backup Uses Barcode Labels with Autochangers' for more information.
How to Inventory Volumes in an Autochanger
To inventory volumes in an autochanger when you have moved or added volumes you can either startthe inventory operation in the Backup administration program or at the command line:
After completing an inventory, Backup registers the contents of the autochanger and then proceedswith its network-wide backup and recover services.
Bacula Device Autochanger Has 0 Slots
Determining Which Volumes Are Used for Backup
The Available Slots attribute enables you to control which volumes Backup uses for backing updata. Backup uses all of the volumes in the autochanger for recoveries. However, you can control whichvolumes Backup automatically selects for backups by designating a range of available slots in the autochanger.
For example, you might designate slots 1 through 5 for your Backup backups in an autochangerthat contains 10 slots. The entries can be a range of slot numbers or a single slot number.
With two-sided media, the number of available slots is always half the number of labels (or sidesof the optical disks). For example, if you have 32 optical disks, labeled atlas.001.a to atlas.032.b,you have 64 labels (and 64 sides). However, the number of available slots is 32.
Caution -Make sure you place volumes in all the available slots of the autochanger so Backup can proceeduninterrupted with an automatic backup.
Checking Autochanger Notifications
Backup uses e-mail to send notices about Backup events. The software uses the three Tape MountRequest notifications to inform you that the autochanger needs attention. The Tape Mount Request 1 notificationis undefined so you can create your own notification message.
The following situations require attention:
The volumes in the autochanger are 90% full.
The autochanger needs more volumes to continue.
The autochanger has a mechanical problem.
The autochanger device needs cleaning.
The cleaning cartridge in the autochanger needs replacing.
The Notifications resource contains tape mount and device cleaning request notifications pertainingto autochanger operations.
See 'Preconfigured Notifications 'for more information.
If the volume is loaded in the autochanger, Backup can automatically mount the correct volumeso that the recovery proceeds. If Backup requires volumes for a recovery that are not loaded in theautochanger, you receive a notice in the Pending window of the Backup administration program.
After you correct an autochanger problem, you may need to mount a volume before continuing to backup or recover files. Check the Pending window in the Backup administration program for messages.
Suggestions for Operating Autochangers
This section provides additional suggestions to help you use your autochanger and backup media effectivelyand reliably.
Recycling Versus Adding More Backup Volumes
Backup can save files on volumes marked appen (appendable) in the Volumesresource. If the volumes inside the autochanger are marked full, they cannot receive additional backups.
You can do one of the following with volumes marked full:
If you need to keep the volumes for long-term storage, remove the full volumes and replacethem with new media.
If you do not need the data on the full volumes, you can manually change themode to recyc in the Volumes resource. Backup overwrites the data with new backups, but maintains theexisting labels. This is the only instance where you do not need to relabel a volume to make it eligibleto be overwritten with new data.
The mode of a volume is automatically changed to recyclable when all the save sets on the volumehave passed the time period specified by its retention policy.
There are advantages to both recycling media and adding more media to a pool. By recycling, youreuse the same volumes and do not add new volumes to the pool. However, the media may wear out over timeand have a higher failure rate.
On the other hand, if your site requires that you maintain the backups in storage for a certainperiod of time, then you may have to add more media to the volume pool instead of recycling it. For example,an autochanger may need new volumes every three months if your company policy is to maintain the backupsfor a year. In this case, you have to keep adding new media to the pool until you can recycle the volumesthat contain expired or old backups.
Using Pools with an Autochanger
If you plan to have full and nonfull backups, we recommend that you estimate the number of volumesneeded for your full backups and assign them to the Full pool. This ensures that your full backups arein a consecutive range of slots in the autochanger, which makes it easy for you to remove all the volumesat the same time.
Calibrating the Devices
Check the autochanger manufacturer's documentation for information about the frequency and methodfor calibrating the loading mechanism for the autochanger device.
How to Move Media Inside an Autochanger
Always use Backup to move the media inside an autochanger. If you physically move the media,the autochanger inventory becomes outdated. If this occurs inadvertently, follow these steps:
Reset the autochanger:
Inventory the autochanger contents:
Refer to Appendix B, Command Line Reference Utilities and the nsrjb man page for details on the nsrjb program.